Aktualności Erasmus+


Aktualności Erasmus+


Dear Staff Week participants!

At the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Maribor we will organize the International Summer School which will be held in Kranj, Slovenia.

This will be our 3rd International Summer School and it will be held between the 4th and 9th of September in Kranj and on the 31st of August and 15th of September online.

The title of our 3rd International Summer School is: »Organization, Management and Society«.
You can find all information regarding the program, applications, etc. on our official webpage: https://summerschool.fov.um.si/.

You are more than welcome to invite your students to apply to our International Summer School.
The participation of students and teachers will be supported by the Erasmus Blended Intensive Programmes (BIPs) as an alternative mobility for students. By participating in an International Summer School, students will also receive 3 ECTS credits.

We would also be delighted if you would share our invitation with your students. The flayer with short information is enclosed.

Best regards,

Team of International Office FOV UM

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Univerza v Mariboru | University of Maribor

Fakulteta za organizacijske vede | Faculty of Organizational Sciences

Kidričeva cesta 55a, 4000 Kranj, Slovenija

T: +386 4 2374 267

E: international.fov@um.si

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