Editorial office

Humanistic Education

Editorial office

Humanistic Education


Academy of Applied Sciences of the Association for Adult Education in Szczecin

Akademia Nauk Stosowanych Towarzystwa Wiedzy Powszechnej w Szczecinie

Monte Cassino 15, 71-466 Szczecin, Poland

tel. (91) 424-32-38

email: redakcja@anstwp.pl




Prof. dr. hab. Krzysztof Wielecki – Ordinary Member of Pontifical Academy of Social Science – Vatican, Member of Council of International Association for Critical Realism, Faculty of Social and Economics Sciences, Institute of Sociological Sciences of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University –

Head of Social Thought’s Department, Head of Doctoral Studies, Head  of the Interfaculty Department of Critical Realism Academy of Applied Sciences of the Association for Adult Education in Szczecin, Poland, ORCID 0000-0002-6532-8491.

DEPUTY-IN-CHIEF: dr Anna Oleszak


Marta Białas, Academy of Applied Sciences of the Association for Adult Education in Szczecin


Renata Kasperska, Uniwersytet Zielonogórski
Grzegorz Dudarski, Uniwersytet Zielonogórski




Sociology – Marek Woś, Academy of Applied Sciences of the Association for Adult Education in Szczecin

Psychology – Zbigniew Nęcki, Krakowska Akademia im. Frycza Modrzewskiego w Krakowie

Philosophy – Joanna Smoluk-Stachowska, Academy of Applied Sciences of the Association for Adult Education in Szczecin

Career Counsuling – Aneta Klementowska, Uniwersytet Zielonogórski

Managment – Renata Kasperska, Uniwersytet Zielonogórski

Madia in education  – Jacek Jędryczkowski, Uniwersytet Zielonogórski

Law – Anna Oleszak, Academy of Applied Sciences of the Association for Adult Education in Szczecin Occupational Health and Safety  – Wojciech Oleszak, Academy of Applied Sciences of the Association for Adult Education in Szczecin

Ergonomisc – Andrzej Lasota, Uniwersytet Zielonogórski



Jarek Janio, Santa Ana College, Santa Ana, California, USA – ENGLISH

Anna Oleszak, Academy of Applied Sciences of the Association for Adult Education in Szczecin, Poland – POLISH



Marek Hajdukiewicz, Academy of Applied Sciences of the Association for Adult Education in Szczecin, Poland



Duties of the editorial office:

  • to monitor and evaluate the publishing and financial plan of the journal,
  • to take actions aimed at the development of the journal,
  • to make final decisions in disputable cases concerning the publication of negatively reviewed scientific articles,
  • to prepare an annual report on the activities of the Publishing House,
  • to prepare draft agreements with distributors of scientific publications and registration on digital platforms (domestic and foreign databases of scientific articles),
  • to take actions aimed at excluding scientific dishonesty – preventing cases of ghostwriting and guest authorship.


Duties of Editors

The Editor-in-Chief shall supervise all editorial work related to the preparation of a given issue of a journal, in particular:

  • to receive and qualify articles and other materials to be published and appoint external reviewers,
  • to decide on the basis of the review received on the final decision on the publication of articles,
  • to approve the list of reviewers,
  • to cooperate with the Deputy Editor-in-Chief in matters concerning the final editorial office of a volume or number, its correction and other editorial works,
  • to approve the given number for printing after the technical editorial office,
  • to make decisions concerning the distribution of the journal and its presence on digital platforms,
  • to establish the strategy for the development of the journal in the context of legal changes concerning parametric evaluation,
  • to decide on the inclusion of new members in the Scientific Committee of the journal.


The Deputy Editor-in-Chief shall supervise the publishing process of individual quarterly issues, and in particular:

  • cooperation with the executive editor, statistical editor and language editors,
  • cooperation with authors and reviewers, including supervising the implementation of amendments commissioned by a reviewer,
  • choice of the list of reviewers,
  • cooperation with technical editors of the journal,
  • administration of the magazine’s website,
  • cooperation with index databases of scientific journals,
  • providing a set of materials (text and reviews) from a given issue to the technical editor who prepares a given issue,
  • verification of the correctness of the submission of the publication by the publisher,
  • implementation of other organisational tasks commissioned by the executive editor,
  • introduction of proposals for the distribution of a volume or number of a journal and its presence on digital platforms, index databases and national and international publishing markets.
  • The statistical editor verifies the calculations of research results presented in articles which are planned for printing in the journal.
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